Tuesday 2 April 2013

Fish Market Pier, Mumbai

Did you know Mumbai is an island? Now you do. Where there's an island, there's lots of water and water means fish. Mumbai is a bit like Manhattan, a huge metropolis with maritime roots, especially on the south side of the island.

You can still wander to land's edge, find a pier and watch the fishing boats come in early morning to sell their catch.

Let's head to the Sassoon docks. Yea, it's looking fishy.

A couple of docked boats and a sample of the product for sale.

A bigger product sample.

Come with your waterproof bin if you plan on hauling something home.

Portrait of two men manning a warehouse.

The boats are stacked up, looking like they were thrown together after a storm. Another stack: baskets of fish.

Gas containers ready for reloading onto a boat.

The scale master and blocks of ice coming off the line.

A final look at the action, some folks working; some folks waiting.

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